Revelations are a common place in Nigeria, preceding every event, there is always a Revelation from one spiritual father, mother, pastor, imam, reverend and a host of other personalities who claim to be very close to the most high, however, whether these revelations turn out as said or not is another case entirely.

Prophecy is a gift which gives people an insight to tomorrow, this insight under normal condition is of divine source, the divine inspires the utterance of events yet to manifest, for this reason, it embodies something that creates a seeming nearness of prophesying spiritual leaders to God and the responses of the ordinary humans to these spiritual leaders is a direct response to this closeness to God. But of course most individuals take advantage of this phenomenon and give the ordinary man whose ear is not close to the most highs mouth the impression that they are pious men and women.
READ ALSO: Presidential elections: Atiku Takes War To Court, Inaugurates Legal Team.
In this article, we take a look at some past prophecies, their outcomes and give logical verdicts based on their turnouts. Let us dwell on the most recent prophecies that covered the outcome of the just concluded presidential election.
Moses Muyideen Kasali, is the General Overseer of the The Mountain of Mercy (aka Ori-Oke Alaseyori Church) located in Moniya area of Ibadan, Oyo State. In 2015, through divine revelation he prophesied that Buhari will become president of Nigeria after the 2015 elections and indeed Buhari won and became president. Preceeding the 2019 general elections, the same Muyideen Kasali prophesied that President Muhammadu Buhari was going to loose if he attempted to run a second time, in fact he warned Buhari against seeking a second term in 2019, he cautioned Buhari not to be deceived by sycophants and political jobbers who according to him
“are likely to hijack his government and render him incapacitated and unable to please God in the assignment the Almighty has given to him.”
Buhari dared this “divine” revelation, and won.
Verdict: The most logical conclusion would be that the first revelation was just a lucky guess as there was no “divine anything”.
Prophet Emmanuel Chukwudi is the well-known fiery pastor of King of Kings Deliverance Church, located in Mgbo Court in Ohaukwu Local Government Area of Ebonyi State, this prophet did not actually say whether Buhari would win or not, however, he has prophesied that President Muhammadu Buhari will die in office, to reinforce his divine prophecy, he said that if Buhari did not die in office, then he (Prophet Chukwudi) was not called by God.
Verdict: Nigerians watch to see if Buhari dies in office
“I see the nation Atikulated in 2019.”
That was a statement credited to Apostle Joshua Mone, General Overseer of Voice of Liberty Intercessors Ministry in Delta State, this was his divine revelation, according to Apostle Joshua Mone, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) presidential aspirant Atiku had been divinely picked to the point where the Apostle saw an Atikulated Nigeria.
Verdict: Well, APC has been accused of circumventing the electoral process to their advantage, APC has thus over ridden the divine mandate. More power to APC.
The equally fiery General Overseer of Omega Fire Ministries International, Apostle Johnson Suleman not say President Muhammadu Buhari was going to win or not, he only said that the old man needs prayer, according to him
“Please Sir, go and rest. Abubakar Atiku should focus on the North during the campaigns. I see an Igbo Presidency in 2023 but they must not have any deal with present government. Tinubu should forget 2023.”
Prophet Samuel Akinbodunse is the General Overseer of Freedom for all Nations Outreach (FANO), when addressing his followers Prophet Samuel Akinbodunse urged Nigerians to warn President Buhari that he is going beyond his boundaries. This time the prophet actually stated that
“The Lord said his tenure is once, not twice.”
Verdict: Buhari is a stubborn man, he dares to run for a second term when the divine has allowed only one term. Buhari get liver o, fear no de cash this man sef?
rophet Ugochukwu Tochukwu Amaukwu is the founder and General Overseer of the Excellent Christian Ministry International, by divine inspiration he predicted that the PDP will dispute the presidential election result because according to him the
“ruling party retains power by all means”
Verdict: Kool.
Rev. Fr. Ejike Maka is the spiritual director of Adoration Ministry, Enugu, he is one of the few Christian religious leader who fully endorsed President Muhammed Buhari’s second term re-election bid, according to him
“Among all the presidential candidates, Buhari stands in the best position to win the presidential election.”
Verdict: Come-on, the man did not say “the lord said” he only gave his honest assessment based on the political climate at the time.
The list is endless, but one thing is quite certain and that is, not every “God said” is a “God said”, most of these spiritual leaders are themselves trying to make a living and will go to any lengths to make an extra buck, the only sad thing about these individuals is that in their bid to gain recognition, money and power, they inadvertently lead their followers astray, these followers are those that put their trust in their sanctity as men of God.
The infamous Jim Jones of the Guyana tragedy saga started like this, he was trusted by his followers because they believed in his sanctity but alas Jim Jones was only human with human weaknesses, how it all ended for Jim and his followers is all history now.
So that this practice of claiming divine when all it is is the man’s conjecture should be discouraged and not allowed to thrive in the Nigerian society, to claim that God has said this or that should not be something that should be taken lightly, an individual who broadcasts that “God said” should know that time will tell if indeed “God said” and where such a “God said” turns out to be a blatant lie, such an individual should be held accountable, such a personality must not be allowed to go public with his/her “God saids”, Nigerians must learn to shun such “men of god” because they constitute a clear and present danger to the society we live in.
Now that the Fulanis and the bokoharams are having a field day killing people like there are no laws in Nigeria, imagine what can happen when one of these individuals come up with a “God said” that compels followers to begin to take reprisal actions, then sooner or later the nation will go into a full scale war, and when the war commences, guess what, most of these “God saids” will not be within the shores of Nigeria, they will not be here to reap the thorns which they sowed with their “God said”
Nigerians need to wise up and stop following these “God saids”